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Dr. Amy Marsh

Dr. Amy Marsh

Amy Marsh, EdD, DHS, ACS, CH, CI, is a board-certified clinical sexologist and certified hypnotist with a private sex counseling practice in the San Francisco Bay Area since 2006. She serves on the Advisory Board of the American College of Sexologists.

Dr. Marsh is an engaging and frequently entertaining writer on sexuality topics. Sizzler Editions is publishing a three-volume ebook collection of Dr. Marsh’s weekly Carnal Nation columns, “Love’s Outer Limits.” The first volume, Sex Squicks & 100 Other Things You Didn’t Know About Sex, is now available below.

Her essay, “Kid Chrysalis,” is included in Transitions of the Heart—Stories of Love, Struggle and Acceptance by Mothers of Transgender and Gender Variant Children, edited by Rachel Pepper (Cleis Press, 2012). She has three entries included in the upcoming Cultural Encyclopedia of the Penis (Alta Mira Press, Summer 2014).

Dr. Marsh has published twice in the Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality, and contributes to several internet blogs, including She is currently working on a book about erotic hypnosis for lovers.


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