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David Salcido

David SalcidoDavid Salcido

David Salcido is a full-time freelance writer living in the sprawling arid wasteland of Phoenix, Arizona, and therefore can be qualified as certifiably insane.  He is the former publisher of Blue Food magazine, an internationally acclaimed adult literary arts journal which has since gone the way of the dodo.

As a writer, he has tackled just about every sacred cow possible, including children’s books, festival playwriting, travelogues, financial guides, movie, theater and music reviews, events calendars, gossip and advice columns, product reviews, celebrity interviews, Wiccan newsletters, hundreds of short stories and thousands of articles on everything from herbology, cooking and pets to humor therapy, general bdsm practices and the sexual habits of the North American yeti.

His poetry and fiction has appeared in such wide-ranging venues as The Journal Of Sister Moon, Yellow Silk, Space And Time, Realms Of Fantasy, The American Poetry Anthology and Erratic, Neurotic, Erotic.


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