Randall Lang
Randall Lang is the author of a diverse array of erotica, including the highly successful autobiographical confession known as the Trailer Park Nights series.
He grew up in the tough coal fields of southwestern Pennsylvania where nothing came easily. It was a world of limited opportunity and few roles to follow. Dreams were quickly vanquished in the shadows of necessity and creativity was usually buried beneath an avalanche of cynicism.
However, twelve-hour days in the dark, wet, often cold environment of the underground work place can have the unexpected effect of freeing the mind to drift away from such a hostile world into one of burning desire, passionate kisses, soft touches, and the intense magnetism that draws men and women together. The mind can then assemble thoughts into ideas, ideas into images, and images into stories. As the stories flow, the spark becomes a flame that resurrects a spirit repressed and opens the doorway to an ever-widening horizon.
Randall Lang continues to reside in southwestern Pennsylvania with hope of finding that perfect combination of blue water, clear skies, smooth liquor, and good friends.
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