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Marcy Sheiner

Marcy Sheiner

Marcy Sheiner’s erotic fiction has been published in many well-respected anthologies — including Best American Erotica – and, in addition to being the editor of the legendary Herotica series, she has edited the Best Women’s Erotica series, On Our Backs: Entertainment for the Adventurous Lesbian, and Sex For The Clueless: How to Enjoy a More Erotic and Exciting Life.

Additionally, during her several lives she’s had 76 menial jobs, 8 marriages (to both men and women), and 64 domiciles which included condos, communes, big country houses and cramped urban studios. She’s lived on both US coasts but never in the middle, being much too claustrophobic to be landlocked. She has two biological children, two grandkids, and an uncertain number of steps, who sometimes claim her and sometimes don’t. She recently dumped Cablevision and substituted podcasts, her favorite one being Marc Maron’s WTF. Music is, she believes, life’s saving grace.


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